Student Solution


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– Nelson Mandela

1 University

1 Course

1 Subject

Unit 8- Discussion 1_Leadership Through Personal and Professional Development

Unit 8- Discussion 1_Leadership Through Personal and Professional Development

Q • Review the media exercise leading to a measure of your AI index. • Reflect on your AI index in the light of the readings for this course. Note: There are no right and wrong results. The Index is not a score, but rather a descriptive indicator of how you think.

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The Appreciative Inquiry Index was a very interesting activity that I have conducted. It was something new for me and I was not much aware of what exactly it is and how it will be beneficial for the organization. While I was reading the provided information, it helped me in understanding the different areas that can be covered and also knowledge can be gained regarding how to use this information in real life situations. The index tends to make us shift our focus on the various strengths and weaknesses that we possess and to overcome it in the best way possible.